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Sports at La Garenne

Sports and Physical Education



Sports and Physical Education

Mens Sana in Corpore Sano – Sound Mind, Sound Body

A healthy body and mind is key to a child’s success both within and outside the classroom.  Here at La Garenne the children participate in timetabled sports activities for an hour-and-a-half per day, which is an unusually high commitment.  Whilst enjoying the various sports, the children learn about fair play, team building and develop leadership skills.

Our qualified and highly motivated sports staff plans and delivers an extensive indoor and outdoor programme.  Indoor sports include football, basketball, volleyball, hockey and other team games, climbing, aerobics, squash, tennis volleyball, badminton, athletics, swimming and karate. Outdoors, the children participate in mountain biking, kayaking, cycling, skiing, cross country skiing, camping, hill-walking, running, golf and orienteering - to name but a few.

Safety is of paramount importance and the ages and abilities of the children are taken into account. All members of sports staff renew their First Aid training annually and have BLS and AED Swiss certification.  La Garenne's physical education programme allows younger students to focus on team sports, where they learn about being a team member whilst improving their physical strength and ability.  As they get older, greater emphasis is placed on personal development including leadership skills. We recognise the importance of helping each child fulfil his/her own personal goals.



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