Discipline within the boarding school has always been a subject of conversation, whether it be over a coffee with the boarding staff, a meeting with parents or a 'fun' meeting with students who forgot how to behave and what was expected of them! Discipline within La Garenne is first and foremost dealt with in a family manner, in other words, as with our own children, we discuss the situation at hand. Once discussed, we are able to decide what measures, if any, need to be taken and in the long term, how the student is expected to change and what is expected of them.
It is never easy for a group of students from different backgrounds to adapt and understand what is expected of them so to help, we provide guidance in the School Rules book as well as posters in the rooms with clear instructions concerning how to leave a room neat and tidy, as well as a score sheet for the housekeeping staff to award smiley faces if five days in a row, the room is tidy.
At the end of the term, the room with the most smiley faces goes out for dinner with their house parents! It is difficult for a student to understand what we expect of them unless we are clear, just saying,'You must tidy your room," or ," You need to behave," means many different things to different students so clarification is always needed. Discipline is the backbone to any structure and students appreciate knowing what is expected of them and striving to do their best to do so.