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The La Garenne Blog


Academic Blog: Week 5

What a busy week this has been for the Juniors! Along with the Minis, the children in Year 7, 8 and 9 all took part in drama workshops on Tuesday, loosely based around the book ‘The Island at the End of Everything’.
Their work was presented to the rest of the school in a special Assembly on Wednesday morning.

We have also launched the new Challenge ‘Reading Ahead’ which focuses on the children reading six new titles of their choosing, then writing a simple review with a rating in their logbooks. Our Librarian Sue, along with the teachers, is always happy to recommend books to the children.

On Friday Derek judged the Minis’ door decoration competition. All the entries were of an amazingly high standard, the winner will be declared in the Mini Assembly next week.

The Usborne Book Fair was held in the Minis Lounge in La Garenne, and was a huge success with children and parents buying books of all genres.

Friday also saw the Year 7 and 9 children travelling with our Art teacher Donna, by train to the gardens in the local village of Bex where they admired the open-air sculpture exhibition that takes place every three years.

Next week is a short one, as we finish for the Half-Term holiday on Wednesday. During the break, the lucky Year 9 children are heading off with Derek, Mélanie and Baptiste on a cruise of the western Mediterranean, visiting sites connected to their studies, in Italy, Spain, Malta and France. We wish them bon voyage!



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Academic Blog: Week 5

Categories: Academic

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