The importance of relationships
On Friday, during our Primary Assembly, we talked about the importance of relationships. We discussed that families come in different shapes and sizes and that they protect and love us. The children enjoyed talking about why their family is special to them and what creates a `happy home`.
We then spent some time thinking about friendships; the qualities that make a good friend, how we can resolve issues that arise in our relationships and how friendships can change over time. The Year 5 & 6 students helped remind the students about the importance of online safety, using their fabulous IT skills to produce a slideshow and quiz.
Well done to our Learners of the Week; Year 1 - Benedict, Year 2 - Ella, Year 3 - Oscar, Year 4 - Rustam, Year 5 - Momo & Year 6 - Eugenia.
We are proud of you all!