Weekly point system
Dear Parents and students, as we get to the end of another week, I would like to remind you about the school boarding system and the colour code. We have three colours, green, yellow and red. During the week, the students may earn or lose points within our system and at the end of the week the points are totalled up. All the students begin with 17 points.
To finish in a certain colour the students require between 17 and 20 to be in green, 10 and 16 to be in yellow and 0-9 to be in red. If in green they have had an exceptional week and will receive privileges, in yellow they may have lost a point here or there and a bigger effort is required the next week but if they have lost too many points they may be in red which means they will lose privileges and may be in detention at the end of the week. Students may gain or lose points for tidiness, behaviour, language and contribution to community life.
For additional information, please read the School Rules on our website: link