What can we do to address the Climate Crisis?
This week Greta Thunberg joined more than 10,000 climate strikers in Lausanne.
Some of the children in the Primary Section went to investigate how we as a school and as individuals, are helping the environment. Anastasia, Nana, Miron and Sven worked with Danielle to report on what we found out.
Here are just some of the things we do here at La Garenne to be a sustainable school:
Reusable water bottles, recycle, use produce from the school farm, donate toys and clothes, uniforms made from a company that uses less water and ensures fair wage, second-hand uniforms, reuse food, portion control, compost bin for biofuels, meat-free days, provide vegetarian food, buy local produce, no palm in products, no single-use plastics, insulated buildings, heating on a minimum, LED lights - controlled, reuse materials when possible, products are eco-friendly, solar panels, eco-friendly wood on the ice, walk whenever possible.
How are our teachers being Global Citizens?
Most of our teachers are vegetarians and a few vegan, some ride their bike to school and most walk to school, recycle waste and clothes, donate to food and clothes banks, recycle bags and use eco bags and beeswax wraps for food, use bars of shampoo, wrap gifts using newspaper, reusable coffee cups, turn off electricity when not in use, only photocopy when necessary, switch off lights and computers when not in use, wash clothes at 30 degrees, EDUCATE EDUCATE EDUCATE our students - explore links to climate change across all subject areas. How can we continue to work together to improve what we are doing - discuss regularly in Student Council meetings.
We can all do more!