What's new for 2016/17
As mentioned above, we will implement the following initiatives for September:
Boarding Life:
- Junior students will reside in a beautiful new chalet with picturesque views and modern facilities.
- Some “families” will be created among our boarding houses in order to reinforce the school values
- The weekends will be divided into Saturday ‘group’ activities and Sunday ‘individual choice’ activities - as well as free time for some of the periods
- More after-school study groups to specifically reinforce class lessons will be set up for older students
- Junior students will be able to take part in inter-school sports / academic competitions
- The Cubs will follow a slightly adapted timetable which will allow them to participate in after school clubs finishing at 5 p.m.
- Within the Junior section, further levels of mathematics will be developed and there will be more science within the curriculum.
- A blog will be up and running from September which will provide monthly information about what the children are learning about in class.
- The school reports will be updated and information will be provided to parents about the grades.
- Our `Book Week` last year was a great success and we are looking forward to celebrating our love of books again this year. We have arranged a story teller, a book fair and a week packed full of activities to promote reading and writing.
- To celebrate international mindedness we will be hosting an International Week alongside the normal curriculum. More information will follow regarding this.
- You will be able to access detailed information about each year group’s curriculum through the school website.