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The La Garenne Blog


MYP students learned about drugs and addictions with Mr Bob Tait

On Tuesday the 18th of February, our MYP students learned about drugs and addictions with Mr Bob Tait, a guest speaker from the UK, who has a wealth of experience in delivering presentations to young people. The main aim of the presentation was to raise student awareness of drug misuse and to give them the facts needed to make an informed choice about drugs, both during their school life and as an adult. 

Some of our students were given the opportunity to try the Fatal Vision Goggles. These goggles allowed the students to experience the effects of alcohol, marijuana, a concussion, or drowsy or distracted driving firsthand.

MYP students learned about drugs and addictions with Mr Bob Tait

Categories: Academic


A visit from the dentist

Thank you Ardentist for coming into school to talk to the children about the improtance of looking after our teeth. The dentist told the children about how to prevent tooth decay, the importance of limiting sugary drinks and food and she demonstrated to the children how best to brush their teeth.


A visit from the dentist

Categories: Academic


Easter holidays

With the Easter holidays soon upon us, we would like to remind all the families that should they require specific clothing or items, to please;

Years 1-6 (Primary)

Inform the main office by email and we will inform the staff and house parents in order to make sure that everything is packed correctly.

MYP students

All the MYP students are responsible for organising their own suitcases and preparing for their departure. Please communicate directly with your child/children and make sure they know what is expected. The house parents and staff are at hand to help them should need be.

We would also like to take this opportunity to remind you that the end of term organisation including the ski ceremony has been sent for your personal organisation.

Easter holidays

Categories: Boarding Life


Science demonstration: Ice and the gases

Year 5 were treated to a Science demonstration from Paul, in the Science lab. He spoke to them about dry ice and the gases involved in the making of it. He then showed them how it worked and they were able to touch the smokey gases and bubbles that were made. During this lesson, the children also investigated friction. They had to move jelly cubes, with chopsticks, from one plate to another and then discover whether it was trickier when covered with oil! A lot of fun was had by all and the children then went back to class to write up the investigation and record their findings.

Categories: Academic


St Valentine's party

Last week the students had their St Valentine's party and it was good to see that they enjoyed themselves. There were the usual group of 'full time' dancers who danced throughout the evening and some new members to the group. The students had dinner at the party and they all seemed to have a lot of fun! The next big party to organise is the end of year ball!


St Valentine's party

Categories: Boarding Life

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