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The La Garenne Blog


Reception and Year 1 & 2 Assembly

Thank you to the Reception and Year 1 & 2 Class for their fantastic assembly on Tuesday. 
The children in Reception have been learning about what similarities and differences they have between themselves, physically, as well as their likes and dislikes. We enjoyed listening to their song all about friendship. Well done to our youngest members of the school, we are proud of you!
In Year 1 & 2 the children have been learning all about punctuation to end sentences, they have been enjoying participating in role play to find out how sentences end. The children presented their bar chart from their IPC unit, `Hooray…Let`s go on Holiday!` which showed how the children like to travel to their holiday destination. We then made a human bar chart which was a lot of fun. 
Well done to our Stars of the Week - these children were chosen for their communication skills this week.
Assembly Reception Year 1 and 2 Assembly Reception Year 1 and 2 Assembly Reception Year 1 and 2 Assembly Reception Year 1 and 2
Reception and Year 1 & 2 Assembly

Categories: Academic


Boarding Office

Sometimes the Boarding office is a very quiet place, usually between 22.00 and 07.00 when everyone is sleeping! On a normal day, we are all very busy and it is also normal to have the students with me working on projects, busy finishing off homework, or stealing my sweets! Boarding life!

Boarding Office

Categories: Boarding Life


Natural History Museum in Geneva

The Year 7 Entry Point for the unit on Adaptability was centred on a visit to the Natural History Museum in Geneva. The students undertook a series of tasks identifying how animals adapt to their specific habitats. The experience broadened their understanding of the need for biodiversity and the protection of natural environments. At the same time, they had a very enjoyable day!

Visit to Museum Visit to Museum Visit to Museum Visit to Museum Visit to Museum Visit to Museum Visit to Museum

Natural History Museum in Geneva

Categories: Academic


Talent Show

This term we will be holding La Garenne's Got Talent! The students will be signing up and putting on a show for all the students in the school. There will be a panel of judges who will vote on the talent for the school year 2018-2019!

Talent Show

Breakfast Club

Every morning between 08:00 and 08:35 the children in Year 1 – 4 have been taking part in our Breakfast Club, this is an opportunity for the children to enjoy some activities and games that build their self-confidence, develop their imagination and language, and have some fun! 

The children in Year 9 enjoy starting their day with some yoga and mediation during their tutor period.

We want out students to start the day feeling energized and ready to learn!

Breakfast Club

Categories: Academic

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