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The La Garenne Blog


`Thoughtfulness` certificate

Well done to the children who received the `thoughtfulness` certificate this morning in our assembly. 

Thank you Year 3 & 4 who did a super assembly this morning all about the seven life processes of living things. We learned lots of interesting facts and the children spoke with confidence and clarity.

Thank you Year 3 & 4!


`Thoughtfulness` certificate

Categories: Academic


Boarding meetings

This week the boarding staff have been in meetings discussing boarding topics and how to improve the care and attention already offered. The meetings with schools from around Switzerland were very productive!

Boarding meetings

Categories: Boarding Life


Design club

This week the design club went out for dinner. There are times when pizza is a vital ingredient within a design club meeting. The students enjoyed their dinner out and hopefully, it will inspire them when working on their project!

Design club

Categories: Boarding Life


Year 5 visit to The Roman Museum in Avenches

On Wednesday 3rd October, Year 5 visited the Roman museum and ruins in Avenches. They spent the morning wandering around, and sketching, the ruins of the different Roman buildings; imagining what they would have been like in the Roman times, using the knowledge they had previously acquired in IPC lessons. They found the Roman Amphitheatre, the Roman Theatre, many temples and also walked a little further afield to find the remains of the Roman Thermal Baths, where they saw what was left of the 'Hypocaust System', the system used in Roman times to heat the pools and rooms. 
After a picnic lunch, sitting in the sun in the spectators rows of the Amphitheatre, the children had a chance to visit the museum. In there, they had to search for different Roman artefacts, to find out what they were, as well as draw something they found particularly interesting.
A great day was had by all, and the children didn't complain when we made a little stop for ice cream on the journey home! A treat after a day of fun and excellent behaviour from all the children. 
Year 5 visit to The Roman Museum in Avenches

Categories: Academic


Primary Assembly - Year 5

Congratulations to the children who were awarded the `Cooperation` certificate this week. Cooperative learning requires children to work together, which is an important skill for their futures. We encourage the children to be active participants in their learning. Listening to one another is key. Engaging in discussions and critical thinking are skills which help the children to remember what they have learned for longer periods of time. 
Thank you to Year 5 who did a fantastic presentation about Mahatma Gandhi in assembly on Tuesday. They talked about his non-violent beliefs and the influence he had during his lifetime (1869 - 1948). On Tuesday we celebrated the International Day of Non-Violence and World Farm Animals Day. The message from Year 5 during the assembly was to respect all living things. They went on to talk about what they have been learning about in their science lessons - `Living Things`. We enjoyed learning about life cycles through an interactive group activity and we watched the movie clips that they produced in their class groups.
Primary Assembly - Year 5

Categories: Academic

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