The IMYC units for Term 3
We are now moving towards the end of the current IMYC units and preparation is under way for the entry points for the final units next term. We are planning a whole-day activity to launch the three new ‘Big Ideas’. If we look at these themes and relate them to what is going on in today’s world, it is clear to see their relevance in our everyday lives. The Big Ideas for the summer term are as follows:
Year 7: Collaboration
‘When people work together, they can achieve a common goal’.
Year 8: Communication
‘When information is shared accurately and clearly, the end result is more effective’
Year 9: Leadership
‘For better or worse, one or more people can use influence so that others aid and support them’.
Cubs and Minis will be experiencing some fantastic new units in Term 3
Reception will be doing a unit called Sand and Water where they will finding out where water comes from and what creatures live in the water. They will also be doing a unit called Treasure, all about pirates and precious stones.
Year 1 and 2 will be learning all about the circus including what the circus was like in the past and how they have changed.
Year 3 and 4 will be learning all about chocolate including where and how it is grown and how it is changed into an edible treat!
Year 5 will be learning about refugees and the history of migration in their unit called Moving People.
Year 6 will be doing a new unit called Climate Control, where they will be looking at how the planet is affected by climate change and how we use and make energy.
Please support your child`s learning over the holidays by talking to them about these topics so they will be ready for their units when they return!