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Year 6 - all about electrical circuits

In science we have been learning all about electrical circuits. We explored complex questions about how circuits function and now we are making a product that involves a circuit and switch.
Year 6 created CO2 and trapped it inside glass jar. They measured the temperature inside the jar and found that it was increasing over time- just like Earth is due to the increase in CO2 emissions leading to a greater greenhouse effect!
As part of our IPC topic ‘Climate Control’ we have learnt about waste. We have buried some normal household waste and will be digging it up to see which items are biodegradable.
electrical circuits3
electrical circuits3
electrical circuits3
Year 6 - all about electrical circuits

Categories: Academic


Growing up

When we think about education, we sometimes stop at the academics, what a child learns in the classroom. Within a boarding school, we place a lot of importance upon the wellbeing of a student, especially making sure they understand responsibility and how to be sociable well balanced human beings. In the school, as in the photo, we expect the older students to spend time with the younger ones, in order to be good examples for them as well as understand how to be more responsible young adults.In the Photo, Artem is giving a short football lesson.

Growing up

International Mindedness in the IMYC Curriculum

International Mindedness is a key part of the underlying philosophy of the IMYC curriculum. At La Garenne we regard this as an important element in the development of Global Citizenship in our students. The learning goals for International Mindedness are shown below. They are not linked to any one particular subject, but are related to many of the ‘Big Ideas’ in the IMYC.

  • Know about the key features related to the different lives of people in their home country and, where appropriate, their parents' home countries.
  • Know about the key features related to the different lives of people in the countries they have studied.
  • Know about ways in which the lives of people in the countries they have studied affect each other.
  • Know about the similarities and the differences between the lives of people in different countries.
  • Be able to explain how the lives of people in one country or group are affected by the activities of other countries or groups.
  • Be able to identify ways in which people work together for mutual benefit.
  • Be able to develop an increasingly mature response to the ‘other’.
  • Be able to appreciate another country, culture, society while still valuing and taking pride in one's own.
  • Be able to show consideration for others when making choices and decisions both in and outside of the school community.
  • Be better able to recognize the nature of friendship, how to make and keep friends and display effective social relationships.
  • Develop an understanding that there is value in knowing and understanding both the similarities and the differences between different countries.
  • Develop an understanding of the impact of culture, law and economics on host countries when groups migrate.


We are currently looking at the threats posed to the continent of Antarctica by humanity. The students examined eighteen real and potential threats to Antarctica and then worked in pairs on a ‘diamond nine exercise’ (inspired by www.teachitgeography.co.uk) to discuss and visually display their ideas on what might constitute the most serious threats to the continent.

Antarctica Station

An example from a pair of students in Year 7 is shown below. The final stage will be a role-play exercise in which the students will work together to discuss how Antarctica might be protected, and to draw up a charter. They will take the roles of conservationist groups, petrol companies, scientists, tourist operators, and governments, for example, with potentially opposing views. This has links to several of the learning goals and should increase the students’ awareness of what will surely be a major issue in their lifetimes. To deal with these threats successfully will require Collaboration, Communication and Leadership; which are the three ‘Big Ideas’ the IMYC students have been exploring this term.

threats antractic


International Mindedness in the IMYC Curriculum

Categories: Academic



With the end of the year soon upon us, there are many meetings going on in the school. This morning, the students in the boarding committee met to discuss the Saturday charity cake sale. The students will be selling cakes in Migros in Aigle and all the money raised will go towards  our school charities.



With the end of the school year soon upon us, the school football teams are getting ready for their last matches which will be played over the next few weeks. The girls team have done very well this year and the boys team have managed to stay on top of things although there have been a few close calls so far! We hope they do well and enjoy the match!

boys football

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