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Primary Assembly

Safer Internet Day is taking place on Tuesday 11th February this year. `Together for a better internet` is the key message this year. At La Garenne, we are providing opportunities for children to talk about their worries and misconceptions with regards to online safety. We are able to differentiate the learning by teaching Internet safety in class as well as in assembly.
In the Primary section, last Friday in assembly, Samantha talked to the children about understanding our online identity and how important it is to keep safe.
Well done to the children who achieved the Star of the Week for Communication. It was wonderful hearing all the positive comments from the teachers about our children, we were all left feeling very proud of our Stars!
Some children enjoyed creating `Snow` posters which are displayed around the school, the children came up with some wonderful ideas and rules about how to play safely in the snow. These children chose to design the posters in their own time and we wanted to say thank you by giving them a certificate.

minis assembly1 minis assembly1 minis assembly1 minis assembly1

Primary Assembly

Categories: Academic


Kindness and being thoughtful

Our students are always showing kindness and being thoughtful - some goodies for Jenny from her class who went to the Young Voices Concert in Manchester last week :)
Kindness and being thoughtful

Categories: Academic


News reports about the Russian Revolution

Students in MYP 3 have nearly finished their news reports about the Russian Revolution and are in the final stages of editing. Watch this space for the final versions!
News reports about the Russian Revolution

Categories: Academic


Studying the human body in Science

This term Year 6 are studying the human body in Science. They have learned about the bones and organs, studying their position and function. In addition to this, they’ve looked at the composition and function of blood using food as substitute. This has led to an in-depth study of the circulatory system, the highlight being the dissection of a sheep heart in the Science lab. The students wore lab coats and goggles thoroughly explore  all the components of the heart. 

human body 2 human body 2 human body 2

 Studying the human body in Science

Categories: Academic


Science class are completing a unit focusing on Earth, Space & Space Exploration

This term, the MYP2 Science class are completing a unit focusing on Earth, Space & Space Exploration. This unit aims to prepare the students for their upcoming educational USA Space Conquest & Environment trip to NASA, Orlando, Florida. 

The key concept of the unit is Relationships, and one of the related concepts is Models. As part of the holiday homework, the students were asked to create a model of the Solar System, to explore the relationship between the planets and the sun, and to research some interesting facts about the different celestial bodies in our solar system.
The students had creative freedom on how they would create their models and WOW what amazing colourful creations were produced!!  The students did a fantastic job! Some models were so large they couldn't be returned to school, so the students created outstanding video presentations instead. Here are some examples of their work.

Solar system1 Solar system1 Solar system1 Solar system1 Solar system1

Science class are completing a unit focusing on Earth, Space & Space Exploration

Categories: Academic

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