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Natural History Museum in Geneva

The Year 7 Entry Point for the unit on Adaptability was centred on a visit to the Natural History Museum in Geneva. The students undertook a series of tasks identifying how animals adapt to their specific habitats. The experience broadened their understanding of the need for biodiversity and the protection of natural environments. At the same time, they had a very enjoyable day!

Visit to Museum Visit to Museum Visit to Museum Visit to Museum Visit to Museum Visit to Museum Visit to Museum

Natural History Museum in Geneva

Categories: Academic


Breakfast Club

Every morning between 08:00 and 08:35 the children in Year 1 – 4 have been taking part in our Breakfast Club, this is an opportunity for the children to enjoy some activities and games that build their self-confidence, develop their imagination and language, and have some fun! 

The children in Year 9 enjoy starting their day with some yoga and mediation during their tutor period.

We want out students to start the day feeling energized and ready to learn!

Breakfast Club

Categories: Academic


Learning by doing in Science

The IMYC programme focuses a great deal on experiential learning. This is an active form of learning where students learn through experience – which is followed by reflection on what they have been doing. This is very different from rote or didactic learning, where the student is more passive. Research indicates that experiential learning is more effective and meaningful for the student, and longer lasting. 

In the first half-term, the students in Years 7, 8 and 9 were involved in a great deal of ‘hands-on’ work in the Science laboratory. In interactive situations like this progress and understanding are evident – and the students enjoy being directly involved in their own learning, rather than simply being passive ‘receivers’. 

Learning by doing in Science1 Learning by doing in Science1 Learning by doing in Science1 Learning by doing in Science1 Learning by doing in Science1

Three new IMYC units      


After the mid-term break, Years 7, 8 and 9 will be starting on three new IMYC

units, each with its own Big Idea.


Year 9 - Development

‘Long lasting changes take place slowly over time’.

For the Entry Point to this unit, the students will be visiting the Museum of the Red Cross and the Red Crescent at the organisation’s headquarters in Geneva. They will have a guided tour, tracing the development of the organisation from its origins the to the present day. This is a fascinating opportunity of the students to get some in-depth knowledge of this world famous organisation, inspired by a young Swiss man called Henry Dunant in 1859. 

Movement 6 4


Year 8 - Reflection 

‘Complex decision-making requires space and time’. 

For their Entry Point, Year 8 will be looking at examples of complex decision- making in 20thCentury world history, centring on global conflict. This will involve researching key aspects of World War 2 where planning and decision-making changed the course of world history. 



Year 7 - Adaptability    

‘Adaptability is demonstrated by the ability to change, alter or cope with new environments or circumstances’.

The Entry Point for Year 7 will involve a visit to the Natural History Museum of Geneva. Here they will be researching a variety of ways in which animals have adapted to their environment and evolved in such a way that they are able to survive. This outstanding museum will provide the students with real-world examples of adaptability in action. It will also heighten their awareness of the importance of biodiversity and the need to protect the natural environment. 


Learning by doing in Science

Categories: Academic


Year 9 Make Headlines!

Our Year 9 students created a small ‘newspaper’ during the final week of term and distributed copies to staff and fellow students during the IMYC Exit Point celebration on Thursday 17th October.

As part of their English and Language Arts unit the thirteen students were given the responsibility for generating ideas, creating content and editing the material all within a tight timescale.  

Editor Donya Changizi and Assistant Editor Neville Rukidi had overall control of the newspaper’s production and it was their job to motivate their fellow journalists to ensure that all of the copy was submitted and corrected in time for it to ‘go to print’ (be collated and photocopied!)

The whole exercise was an excellent example of ‘community’ in action as all of the students concerned had important roles to play and had to work both independently and as a team.

With features on sport, gossip and even fashion, the small paper offers something for everyone.  Congratulations to the LG News team!

Year 9 Make Headlines!

Categories: Academic


World Food Day

World Food Day is celebrated every year around the world on 16 Octoberin honor of the date of the founding of the Food and Agriculture Organizationof the United Nationsin 1945.


Kirsty's Class made gingerbread on World Food Day. They identified where in the world the different spices came from and also learnt to recycle food waste in their new Recycling Corner.

Year 1 & 2

Year 1 and 2 enjoyed listening to the story of Handa's Surprise. We identified the different fruits and thought about where the fruit we eat comes from. We tasted lots of fruit and then drew them with pastels to make Handa's basket.

Year 3 & 4

To celebrate World Food Day, Year 3 and 4 did some food tasting. They asked themselves 3 important questions. What was the food? Where did it come from? Is it a sustainable product?

Everyone had lots of fun. The children tried a variety of fruit even if they thought they didn't like it so they should be very proud.

Year 5

The children sorted and ordered 40 countries to find the 20 who ate the most food and the 20 who ate the least food per day. They then researched a traditional food/dish that they had never heard of, from another country, and created a display with pictures and information.

Year 6

Year 6 have been learning about Fairtrade and what it means for both producers and consumers. On World Food Day they walked to the local Coop to complete some research. They had to find products which were labelled with the Fairtrade logo, identify the Fairtrade ingredients(s) and their origin, as well record its price and that of a comparable product. Year 6 were amazed at how many different Fairtrade products they found and also how often they had already been choosing to buy Fairtrade without even knowing it!

World Food Day

Categories: Academic

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