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The La Garenne Blog




Academic Blog: End of Term

Today saw the first term of 2017-2018 come to an end. The exams are over, the end-of-term reports have been sent and all the members of the La Garenne community are looking forward to a well-earned holiday.

This morning we held the Academic Exhibition. The parents were invited to the Academia building and each class was able to showcase the work that they have been doing throughout the term. The accompanying pictures show some of the presentations and demonstrations that were available for the visitors to see.

The morning was concluded with the Christmas Show, performed with great enthusiasm by the younger students. Our sincere thanks go to all of the teachers and students who were involved in this production, which was very much appreciated by the parents.

During the afternoon, Parent/Teacher meetings were held in Academia during which the parents were able to meet with the teachers of their children. Direct discussions of this type are extremely valuable in developing the productive partnerships that exist between the school and the parents. The meetings allow for detailed discussions on matters arising from the reports. They also enable the teachers and school leaders to put in place strategies that guarantee the effective development and progress of each individual student, in unison with the parents.

After the meetings, the students and their parents left snowy Villars for the winter holidays – being sure not to forget their holiday homework and reading list, of course!

May I take this opportunity to wish the whole community of La Garenne a very happy Festive Season!  

Academic Blog: End of Term

Categories: Academic


Exam Week

Exams start this week at La Garenne. The children have had a busy term and they are now ready to demonstrate their acquired skills, knowledge and understanding. Formal tests are given in English, French, maths, science, IPC, humanities and sport.

Ongoing assessment takes places over each term, data is recorded and analyzed using Classroom Monitor (link). Each child's progress is reported in their termly reports and communicated during our Parents/Teacher meetings.

Good luck to everyone, try your best!


Exam Week

Categories: Academic


Blog Update: Global Citizenship

Written by: Mrs. Derek Lineham

Global citizenship was the focus of the assembly and tutor periods this week. This is in line with the ‘international mindedness’ elements of the IMYC curriculum, which underpin the units of study.

Global Citizenship1

After a general discussion in assembly, each tutor group is now working to produce original displays outlining what global citizenship actually means - and how a true global citizen could and should act.

All the groups realised that we can make a difference, acting as individuals or small groups, both on a personal and on a local level. La Garenne provides a real opportunity for ‘grass roots’ international awareness due to the varying cultural and linguistic backgrounds of our students and the mutual respect we endeavour to instil in our whole school community on a daily basis. Our philosophy clearly reflects this aim:

‘Teaching children how to live in an international community, showing tolerance and respect for others and thereby developing as internationally-aware global citizens’.

Global Citizenship 2

Categories: Academic


Star of the Week

Congratulations to our STARS!

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stars 1

Categories: Academic


Visit from the Dentist

The dentist came to school yesterday to talk to us about our teeth. We learnt about healthy food and unhealthy food. We learnt that you should brush your teeth for 2 minutes at least twice a day and that we should try not to eat lots of sugary foods as this makes our teeth unhealthy. We were showed how to brush our teeth correctly and we enjoyed using the gigantic toothbrush!


Visit from the Dentist

Categories: Academic

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