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The La Garenne Blog


African food at meal times

This week at La Garenne, we have been celebrating ‘Africa’ and as well as eating African food at meal times, the Minis learnt some more interesting facts about Africa during their assembly.
The singing club also performed their song ‘Kusimama’, an African language song, which they are learning and practising in preparation for their trip to ‘Young Voices- Manchester’ in the new year.
This week, we gave star of the week certificates for whichever IPC goal we had seen displayed excellently during the week. The winners were awarded them for communication, resilience and enquiry.

African food at meal times

Categories: Academic


Charity club

This week, the La Garenne charity club will be holding a garage sale in Villars to raise money for the local children's hospital as well as a childcare centre. The students have spent a lot of time collecting things to sell and they will be in Villars throughout the day on Saturday selling clothes, toys, books and much more! We are very proud of them!

Charity club

Categories: Boarding Life


IPC Goal: Morality

Morality is the distinction between right and wrong or good and bad behaviour, and knowing how to put this into practice in a real life situation. This has been the IPC goal for the last week in the Minis.
The students have been showing excellent examples of this, in class and out. Well done to the students who were awarded the star of the week for Morality, which included the whole of Year 5 for their hard work in all academic lessons this week!

IPC Goal: Morality

Categories: Academic


Maths Workshop

This afternoon, several classes were treated to a fascinating talk in french by two mathematics historians, who through extensive research discovered how ancient civilizations were able to indicate any number between 1 and 9999 simply by using their hands. This discovery has been illustrated time and again, through ancient paintings, sculptures and texts. The younger students used pebbles to count on their own abacus and really enjoyed the challenges set to them.
We were delighted to be given our own library copy of the book entitled 'Sur les doigts jusqu'à 9999'.

Maths Workshop

Categories: Academic


Anti-bullying Week 2019

Friday saw the end of a very busy week at La Garenne but as well as everything else going on, it was ‘Anti-bullying Week 2019’. A week celebrated and thought about each year, all around the world. On Tuesday the students took part in ‘Wear Odd Socks Day’ to raise awareness for anti-bullying and create positive thinking around the subject of differences and everyone being unique.
Many of the students, particularly in the staff and Minis, wore crazy odd socks to take part!
Samantha also spoke more about this subject during our assembly on Friday, reiterating this year’s anti-bullying message ‘Change starts with us’.  We watched a music video linked to this topic and discussed what we should do if we see or experience bullying behaviour. 
Our Friday assembly finished with presenting this week’s stars of the week with their certificates, for respect, and hearing some of the students thank each other for showing examples of all the IPC goals during the week. 
Well done to all the Minis for another week of superb behaviour and hard work. 
Anti-bullying Week 2019

Categories: Academic

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