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The La Garenne Blog



Last week the students enjoyed the Halloween party at the school and it was a fun day for all. The buildings were decorated and the scary activities organised for the students. They had a great dinner and party in the evening. We are now planning their Christmas party for the 7th December and it will be fantastic!



Categories: Boarding Life


Berlin trip for MYP 4

Over the half term break, our MYP4 students visited Berlin for a week packed full of history and culture. The students travelled by train to encourage them to reflect upon the environmental impact of flying. This also gave everyone plenty of time to rest up and prepare for the busy week ahead! 

Once in Berlin, the students experienced a variety of cultural tours and museum visits. They particularly enjoyed visiting the DDR Museum and learning about life in East Berlin during the time of the Cold War. The students also took part in some community challenges in order to help them prepare for the Service as Action element of their MYP studies. These ranged from interviewing members of the public to getting their hands dirty making compost in an eco-garden!
A real highlight of the week for all was visiting some of Berlin's best street art with a local artist who then shared some of his top tips in a graffiti workshop. Each of our students created an art piece to take away with them. In addition, they really enjoyed visiting Unsich Bar, a somewhat unusual restaurant where they were served a delicious three-course surprise menu in complete darkness!

Categories: Academic


Weekly Assembly Time

On Friday, after an excellent first week back after our half term break, the Minis gathered together for their weekly assembly time. This week we started thinking about Christmas and the celebration we will share with the parents and staff at the end of the term. We want to keep the contents of our show a surprise but all the Minis will be involved and sharing ‘What Christmas means to us’ through music and poetry.
Our IPC goal for star of the week was ‘Adaptability’ and so many children received certificates for showing excellent ways to be adaptable at school, in class and out. 
Well done to everyone who received a star of the week certificate on Friday.

Weekly Assembly Time

Categories: Academic


The LG Radio Show Live with Year 5

During the last week of this half term, Year 5 embarked on a new challenge - bringing ‘live’ news to the school community via what we liked to refer to as the ‘LG Radio Show’ aka the academic tannoy equipment!  The students in Year 5 took on this challenge as part of their IPC topic ‘Making the News’, which has involved researching and exploring the developments of news and communication methods over time. Each morning at 8am, three children broadcast the news, live, including lunch menus, announcements, weather and also world news updates. Everyone enjoyed listening to the news - stay tuned, we may decide to broadcast ‘live’ again in the near future!

The LG Radio Show Live with Year 5

Categories: School Trips


Obstacles and Treasure Hunts!

Whilst all of Year 3-6 were off enjoying themselves in Europa Park, Germany, the Year 1-2 class were also out enjoying themselves, in the mountains! Year 1 and 2 took on a series of challenges set for them by ‘Professor Sparks’ from their IPC unit ‘Who am I?’. They had a lot of fun following clues and instructions, which were written in letters from the professor, in order to complete the challenge. The first part of the challenge involved attempting some of the obstacles on the way down from the ‘Crazy Moose’ restaurant near Bretaye. The children worked cooperatively, showing resilience and thoughtfulness towards others, as they attempted to climb, crawl, jump and walk along the obstacles! After a stop for a picnic lunch, the children continued following the instructions from ‘Professor Sparks’, which took them through the forest to Col de Sud, completing a photograph treasure hunt as they went.

After a super day out, having shown such excellent behaviour and enjoyment, the children enjoyed a well-earned treat at Col de Sud restaurant, before catching the train back to Villars!

Obstacles and Treasure Hunts!

Categories: Academic

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