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The La Garenne Blog


School trips

All the students have now returned from their school trips and they had a fantastic time. They were lucky to have good weather and they said they enjoyed themselves throughout the week. The trips as far away as the USA, Costa Rica or Portugal, were a great learning experience for the students and they were able to meet local people, try the local cuisine and enjoy the activities such as swimming, cycling, zip lining over aligators and canyoning, not to mention their shopping! Overall, a great experience for all the students and staff.

School trips

Categories: Boarding Life


Astronomy Day

The children in Years 5, 6 and 8 were lucky enough to take part in a Space and Astronomy workshop on Friday, led by Physics Professor Eugenio Alba. 
Years  5 and 6 learned more about  ‘Where we are living’, building their own constellations. Year 8 took part in a ‘Space Conquest’, finding out how to discover new planets! The activity was particularly interesting for Year 8 as they will be leaving next week for Florida, where a key part of their trip will be to visit the Kennedy Space Center. 
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Astronomy Day

Categories: Academic


Fondation Pierre Gianadda

Year 5 and 6 went on a visit to an art museum (Fondation Pierre Gianadda) where there were many amazing art pieces. The guide told them about the beautiful French Impressionist paintings by famous artists such as Auguste Renoir, Paul Gaugin, Edgar Degas, Claude Monet and Paul Cézanne.  The day was sunny so the students enjoyed a picnic and then took time to sketch many of the pieces in the sculpture garden.  Finally, it was a real treat for the students to visit the wooden models of the inventions of Leonardo Da Vinci.  It was a beautiful day where the art truly made an impression on the students.  They were so excited to talk about the art on the way back in the bus. What a pleasure!



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Fondation Pierre Gianadda

Categories: Academic


Fire drill

This week we are happy to see that the sun has returned to the school! It has been a very cold month of May and we still have some snow. This week the warmer weather has returned and the students are able to spend time playing outside. It is also our live fire drill practice so the warmer weather is very helpful!

Fire drill

Categories: Boarding Life


Happy Mothers Day

In our taught curriculum, as well as in assemblies and extra-curricular activities, we celebrate special days as well as local customs and traditions whenever we can. Sunday May 12th is when Mothers' Day is celebrated in Switzerland. In Art class, while developing their creative skills, the students in the Mini classes completed a project relating to Mothers' Day. They thoroughly enjoyed their work and are proud to present the results of their efforts. Happy Mothers Day!

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Happy Mothers Day
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